Pesticide Training & Consulting
                      30 Hour Course

                           September 6 - 13 2024

            30 Hour Certification Program for Categories
                       3A September 9 - 13, 2024,
                       6A September 6, 10 - 13, 2024

Lake Forest Sportsman Club
9403 Bear Springs Road
Brewerton, NY 13029

    Course Fee - $585.00 ($635.00 for on site registration) 

                NOTE: A Core Manual is required for 30 hour certification.
                          A Category Manual will also be required for the course.
           Core and category manuals can be purchased through Cornell's Website.
                          They are NEEDED to take the certification exam!

                                             GET THEM EARLY!
                    Manuals will not be available at the time of registration!!

             Recertification Credits Available for
                         2, 3a, 3b, 6a, 25

         Registration Fee for those signing in for recertification credits -
              $175.00 per day pre-registration ($190.00 at the door)
              $85.00 half day
           Credit Card $182 per day pre-registration $91.00 half day

                                  Sign In - 8:00am - 8:30am

          Class - 8:30am - 4:45pm (except Friday ends at 12:00pm)

                             Friday,  1:00pm - 4:30pm
         No Core exam and one category exam will be given by NYSDEC                 unless there are at least 10 people taking the course

               A $100.00 EXAM FEE, payable on September 11, 2024
               Checks for exam MUST be made out to "NYSDEC".

                     Day 1 - September 6, 2024  Friday
                          Session 1 - 8:30am - 4:45pm
                                   Kathy Roberts
                   Recertification Credits -  6a - 6.75 credits
                                                            2 - 2.25 credits
                                                            3a - 2.75 Credits 

Protecting Water From Pesticide Contamination
    Hydrologic Cycle, Watershed, Groundwater, Water Contaminants,                  Pesticide Fates, Soil Characteristics, Application Site Characteristics,              Preventing Water Contamination
Insecticide Resistance: Causes and Action
    What Causes Insecticide Resistance, Management, Labels Use In                  Herbicide Rotation
Pesticide Application Equipment
    Components of Pesticide Application Equipment, Sprayers Used in                  Maintenance, Cleaning Equipment
Highway Rights-of-Way Vegetation Management
    Problems and Precautions, Non-Selective Vegetation Control, Tree and          Shrub Management. Broadleaf Weed Control and Grass Growth                    Suppression
Electric Powerline and Pipeline Vegetation Management
    Ground Application and Methods, Herbicides Used, Aerial Applications
Railroad Vegetation Management
     Railroad Areas Requiring Vegetation Management, Pesticide Record               Keeping, Management Program
Pest Plants of Rights-of-Way
     Identifying Plants: Trees - Arrowwood, Aspen, Autumn Elaeagnus, Birch,
        Black Locust, Cherry, Dogwood, Northern Red Oak, Norway, Red,                  Sugar Maples, Slippery Elm, Staghorn Sumac, Tree of Heaven, White
        and Green Ash, White Oak
     Cone Bearing Woody Trees
     Shrubs, Vines and Herbaceous Plants - Cattails, Climbing Bittersweet,
        Crabgrass, Foxtail, Horseweed, Japanese Creeper. Kochia, Mullein,                Poison Hemlock, Poison Ivy, Queen Anne's Lace, Ragweed, Sweet                  Clover, Thistle, Virginia Creeper, Wild Grape

             Day 1 - September 9, 2024  Monday             
Session 2 - 8:30am - 4:45pm
Kathy Roberts         
Recertification Credits - 3a, 3b - 6.75 credits each
                                       2, 6a - 2.00 credits each 
                         25 - 4.75 credits

Integrated Pest Management

      Definition of IPM, Principles of IPM, Pest Thresholds, Growing Degree              Days,
      Plant Phenological Indicators, Economic Considerations, Management,
      Making Decisions, Movement Towards Biological Control
Care of Turfgrass
Turfgrass Disorders - Pest and Non-Pest, Requirements for Healthy Turf,
      Soil Texture, Nutrients, Establishing Turf and Maintaining It

Weed Identification and Control

     Identification of Broadleaf and Grassy Weeds

     Broadleaf Weeds versus Grassy Weeds

     Life Cycles, Annual Bluegrass, Black Medic, Broadleaf Plaintain,                  Chickweed, Dandelion, Field Bindweed, Ground Ivy, Smooth Crabgrass,      Large Crabgrass, Poison Ivy, Yellow Foxtail, Nutsedges, Silver Crabgrass,    Nimblewill, Creeping Bentgrass, Orchardgrass, Quackgrass, Tall Fescue

Turfgrass Diseases

    Diagnosis, Control

     Anthracnose Foliar Blight, Brown Patch, Damping-off Diseases, Dollar     Spot, Fairy Ring, Gray Snow Mold, Leaf Spot and Melting-Out Diseases,   Necrotic Ring Spot, Pink Snow Mold, Fusarium Patch, Powdery Mildew,   Pythium Blight, Red Thread and Pink Patch, Rust, Slime Molds, Summer   Patch, Take-All Patch, Yellow Patch

Turfgrass Pest
      Identification, Damage, Control

       Root Feeders - May/June Beetles, Northern Masked Chafers, Black
       Turfgrass Ataenius, Green June Beetles, Japanese Beetles, False 
       Japanese Beetles, Oriental Beetles, Bluegrass Billbugs
       Blade Defoliators - Sod Webworm, Cutworms, Armyworms, Fall


      Blade Sucking - Leafhoppers, Aphids
      Non Damaging Lawn Pest - Chinch Bugs, False Chinch Bugs,                          Earthworms, Jumping Worms
Ornamental Pest Diseases
    Identification, Life Cycle, Control
      Apple Scab, Gymnosporangium Rust, Cedar Rust Diseases, Powdery              Mildews, Sooty Molds, Anthracnose Diseases, Tar Spot, Vascular Wilts,            Dutch Elm Disease, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Ash Yellows, Root Rot of                Rhododendron, Boxwood Blight
    Environmental Factors Favoring Disease


                  Day 2 - September 10, 2024  Tuesday

                       Session 3 - 8:30pm - 4:45pm
                         Kathy Roberts
         Recertification Credits -  2, 3a, 6a, 25 - 6.75 credits each
                                                     3b - 4.50 credits

Invasive Insects

    Identification, Life Cycle & Control
      Spotted Lanternfly, Box Tree Moth, Elm Zigzag Sawfly, Beech Leaf
      Disease, European Gypsy Moth
Uninvited: The Spread of Invasives
     Identification, Life Cycle Damage, Control
     Identification, Life Cycle Management
       East Asian, Blacklegged, American Dog Ticks
     Associated Diseases - Lyme, Human Babesiosis, Lyme Borreliosis
     Prevention, Management
Invasive Plants
     Identification, Habitat, Biology, Ecological Threat, Control
       Common Buckthorn, Scotch Broom, Wild Parsnip, Garlic Mustard,                 Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Stiltgrass, 
       Swallow-worts, Mugwort, Tree of Heaven, Oriental Bittersweet,                     Multiflora Rose
     How to Prevent Movement
Dangerous Travelers
     How roads aid in the rapid spread of invasive plants, Learning how to             identify invasives, Tracking their movements. Control - Chemical,                 Mechanical, Biological, Prevention - Use weed free material, 
     Revegetation with native plants, Choice of equipment used, Clean                 equipment, Monitor areas where equipment is kept 

Day 3 - September 11, 2024  Wednesday

                                 Session 4 - 8:30am - 4:45pm
                                              Kathy Roberts
                    Recertification Credits - Core 
- 6.75 credits  


Some Basics 
Pesticide Exposure and Risks
The Toxicity of Pesticides
Protecting Yourself
Responding to a Pesticide Exposure
Heat Stress
Fate of Pesticides in the Environment
Pesticides and Water
Pesticide Resistance



Day 4 - September 12, 2024  Thursday

                                 Session 5 - 8:30pm - 4:45pm
                                            Kathy Roberts  
                      Recertification Credits - Core 6.75 credits  

Principles of Pest Management
Federal Pesticide Laws and Regulations
Pesticide Residue and Tolerance
State Laws and Regulations
Storing Pesticides
Transporting Pesticides
Pesticide Security
Emergency Planning and Response
Application Methods and Equipment
Pesticide Drift
Application Safety
Equipment Calibration

               Day 5 - September 13, 2024  Friday

             Session 6 - 8:30am - 12:00pm
                                                   Kathy Roberts                                                                                Recertification Credits - Core - 2.75 credits

Calculations for Mixing and Loading Pesticides
Mixing and Loading
Managing Pesticide Wastes
The Pesticide Label
Professional Conduct and Liability
