Pesticide Training & Consulting
Due to the high cost of food and delivery cost lunch will not be provided.
I am doing everything I can to stay in business and to offer these courses, so please bare with me and we will get through this.  Right now if we have at least 10 people doing the 30 hour we are scheduled to have the exam at the end of the week.  

Note also due to the cost of using credit cards going up, please note the cost of using a credit card with PayPal 
Pesticide Training & Consulting BBB Business Review

           30 Hr Registration Form



Please read both the side and bottom of this registration form before registering for any class!



REGISTER      (please print)




    Class Location:       _____________________________


    Class Date(s):____________________________

    Please check which 30 hour Category you are signing up for

     [    ] 30 Hour    [   ] 3A    [   ] 5A    [   ] 6A    [   ] 7A    [   ] 7D    [   ] 7F    [   ] 7G       


    Session Number(s): ____________________________ 




                      First                                MI                     Last

     Certification #__________________________________________



    Home Address:_________________________________________________



    City:______________________    State:_________    Zip Code:__________   


    Home Phone #____________________     Work Phone #:___________________

    Fax #: _________________



   Payment:          [   ]   Check:  Make check payable to: Pesticide Training & Consulting

                              [   ]   Cash


                              [   ]   PayPal  91.00 1/2 day, 182.00 day, 607.00 30 hour class


                              [   ]   Purchase Order:  (must have PO number and address for billing)

                                                                        Paperwork must accompany registration


                              Credit Cards MUST USE PAYPAL button on the left but you still

need to mail, fax or call the information in on this form so that you will be signed up for the

class.  The button only pays for the class, but does not tell what class you are signing up for. 

These Prices are for Cash, Money Order or Checks only


30 Hour Class fee - $585.00 per person
Pre-registration fee - $175.00 per person per day
On-site registration fee - $180.00 per person
Half day registration fee $85.00 per person

**Cancellation - Cancellations can be made 5 days prior to class date with a
refund of tuition minus a $30.00 cancellation fee. Substitutions are permitted
(please notify us in advance). If there is no cancellation and/or no one attends
the class, the registrant is still responsible for payment of the class, and will be
billed and not be able to take future classes until the bill is paid.
By registering for this class, the registrant agrees to the above terms,
as well as wearing a mask for the whole class and waiving any right to 
sue me if you contract Covid-19.
A fee of $30.00 will be charged for returned checks.


Pesticide Training & Consulting
7377 Mapleview Road
Cicero, NY 13039
phone/fax  315-288-4954