March 17, 2025
Structural Ants
Identification, Life Cycles & Control
Acrobat Ant, Odorous Ant, Pharaoh Ant, Citronella Ant
Pest Birds in Buildings and Food Processing Areas
Regulations, Identification, Habitat, Damage, Lifecycles & IPM Control
Sparrows, Starlings, Pigeons, Other Pest Birds
Integrated Pest Management for Flies
Fly Biology - Life Stages
Fly Types - house fly, fruit fly, phorid fly, drain fly, stable fly,
green bottle fly, cluster fly
Fly IPM - Survey, source reduction, biological control,
monitoring, decision making, treatments
Occasional Pests
Identification, Life Cycle & Control
Spiders: Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Common House Spider,
Longbodied Cellar Spider, Harvestman, Nocturnal Orb Weaving Spider
Joro Spider
Identification, Life Cycles & Control
House Mouse, Deer Mouse, Roof Rats, Norway Rats
Identification, Life Cycles & Control
American, Brownbanded, German, Oriental, Smokey Brown, Pennsylvania, Asian, TurkestanIPM for Cockroaches - Damage - Inspection - Monitoring
Habitat Modification
March 18, 2025
Biology, Behavior, Control and Prevention
Facts, Life Cycle & Control
IPM: Management Tactics - Inspection - Sanitation
Stored Food Pest
Identification, Life Cycles & Control
Indian Meal Moth, Sawtoothed Grain Beetle, Cigarette and Drugstore Beetles
Red Flour and Confused Flour Beetles, Angoumois Grain Moth, Granary and Rice Weevils,
Spider Beetles, Dermestid Beetles
IPM: Management Tactics - Inspection - Sanitation - Non-Chemical
Chemical - Fumigation
Stinging Insects
Identification, Habitat, Life Cycles & Control
Eastern Yellowjacket, Paper Wasp, Baldfaced Hornet
European Hornet, Digger Bees, Honey Bees