Invasive Landscape Pests
Identification, Life Cycle, Control, Updates
Spotted Lanternfly, Box Tree Moth, Elm Zigzag Sawfly, Beech Leaf Disease,
European Gypsy Moth
Uninvited: The Spread of Invasives
Identification, Life Cycle, Damage, Control
Identification, Lifecycle, Management
East Asian, Blacklegged, American Dog Ticks,
Associated Diseases - Lyme, Human Babesiosis, Lyme Borreliosis,
Prevention, Management
Invasive Plants
Identification, Habitat, Biology, Ecological Threat, Management
Common Buckthorn, Chinese Silver Grass, Wild Parsnip, Garlic Mustard, Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Stiltgrass, Swallow-worts, Mugwort, Tree of Heaven,
Oriental Bittersweet, Multiflora Rose, Common Reed, Purple Loosestrife
How To Prevent Movement